September 20, 2020

Geylang brothels, Online Prostitutes and Desirable Women

Geylang very quiet, brothels still closed ...

Masked-up streetwalkers in China ...

This woman’s navel looks like a mini vagina.

Online Prostitutes

I have been looking at a few websites offering sex services. I think now some have been blocked by the authorities. Don’t believe everything the administrators say or the comments. Give them 50% discount and you may not be disappointed. For age you can add another 5 years.Then it seems every prostitute has a large spacious room. I don’t believe that. There are also hygiene issues.

Moreover, don’t be complacent about Covid-19. A cluster could be formed if one of the customer had it.

I came across a few that look quite sexually-attractive, just by their photos.

Desirable Women

Would you like this woman do a handjob for you ...

Would you like to fuck this woman ...