March 04, 2018

Online prostitutes, Arm Vaginas and Shemales

The Power of Beautiful Women

North Korea's beautiful women cheerleaders charming South Koreans with their beauty.

A policeman being charmed by a sexy prostitute.

Sex expert charms Russian minister.

Beautiful women make you cum.

Online prostitutes

I have not tried any woman from online websites. I prefer the women in the Geylang brothels. First, it is not illegal and you won't get fleeced. Second, you can see the woman first. Third, they are all in one area. Fourth, low risk of getting sex diseases.

As for the online prostitutes, maybe you feel some thrill and anticipation of fucking the sexy woman whose photo you saw online. However, in most cases the photos on the websites do not reflect the real state of the women. They are touched up to make the women look sexier, younger or more voluptuous. There are listed services that the prostitutes do, but probably you have to pay extra. The risk of getting sexually-transmitted diseases is also higher.

Then there is also the risk of being blackmailed or arrested during a raid.

Arm vagina

Do you know what is arm vagina? 

This refers to the fold of skin created where your arm meets your body, the term basically refers to the normal human armpit.

Not long ago an attractive woman was looking at some dresses at a stall. Her arms were moving upwards and sideways. She was in a sleeveless dress and I could see her armpit and armpit creases when she raised her arm. At other times it was her arm vagina. I stood there watching the 'erotic show'.

Sometimes little things like this give men a lot of pleasure. Women may not be aware of this.

Armpit creases 


I like those who are feminine and look like women.

I don't fuck shemales or ladyboys. However, I have called a few before – just to see their cocks and to see them masturbate.

Videos of shemales masturbating ...